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Two-spirit people have been looked down upon because of what they are described as. Native American culture has been erased from the map because of colonization. The effects of survival school and decades of abuse from those who look down upon them, but they will not stand by that. 



Decolonization is the progress of restoring one's culture who has vanished as a result of colonization.  

Two-spirit people have an annual event, a gathering.  This gathering is  TWO-SPIRIT only. This is a form of decolonization because it gives two-spirit individuals the ability to meet up with people who are just like them and they can just be themselves.  They aren't pressured to be like others but themselves.  


Mindfulness is a type of meditation. "It’s a pretty straightforward word. It suggests that the mind is fully attending to what’s happening, to what you’re doing, to the space you’re moving through." -  Native Americans use this to decolonize because meditation makes it easier to handle the trauma that comes from all the abuse.  

Native Americans have found many ways to decolonize. Here's some:

Survival Schools 

Survival schools are schools that were created to restore the Native American culture. These type of schools are schools that are structured around the principles of Native Americans and what they find important for their children to learn. This way the Natives can stray away from the European ideologies and live the way they have always wanted to.  These schools allow them to be liberated from the historical trauma they have endured.

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